Personal Statement Coaching Services

Showcase your compelling voice

Jennifer’s process for helping students write strong personal statements involves collaboration, iteration, and creativity.

First, she reviews your draft statement and provides detailed comments on how to strengthen both the content and flow. You then accept the suggestions that feel right to you and rewrite your statement. You and Jennifer proceed in an iterative fashion for up to three drafts of your statement. Jennifer does a final review for grammar and syntax on the last version and offers specific line edits for your consideration.

This approach ensures that your own personal voice and style shine through the statement, which is important for the statement to come off as authentic and personally meaningful. The best statements are written primarily by the client because you know your own life story better than anyone. Jennifer’s role is to empower you to make that story compelling to the admissions committee.

The Investment: Personal Statement Packages start at $1200.

personal statement services
Personal statement writing services
